Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Yukio Miyamoto

Yukio Miyamoto is an Adobe Illustrator gradient mesh tool wizard! His creations are so realistic. I like how, on his website, most of works of art, when you hover over them, will show that they are not photographs. The graphics' gradient mesh is revealed. He has been working with Illustrator since the late 80's. His artwork has appeared in a number of books. His work is fantastic! I would love to be able to create work like his.

What I'm Going to be "Up To"

I will be attending a meeting Friday to find out what needs to be done with the TAG website. I will be working with Donald Hill.

I will start getting a portfolio of my work both in computer graphics and other types of art ready on my website. Right now, my website just has this and that on it and is not finished.

I would also like to complete my company's website. I just have not taken the time to work on it.

Olly Moss

Olly Moss was born in the UK in 1987. He has created graphic designs for many companies, magazines and a few movies. I first saw some of his work just recently through Illustrator on Facebook. I really like his work. I like the way that most of his works are simple, yet very effective. He takes a little tidbit from a movie and uses it for his poster design. I would like to be able to do the same and not go overboard and still create a poster or other type of graphic design work and make it "work". I can't think of anything in particular that I don't like about what he has done.